Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Dear World -

I hope you are all doing well. Things are good's been a busy month or so since the last blog thing, but this unbelievable hectic pace that I have been keeping has afforded me few luxuries to play on my blog blog. That is a lie. Lots of down time with one hand in a bag of Doritos and the other in my pants.

Now, there is something that has been on my mind that apparently nobody wants to talk about, but I believe can no longer be ignored: Professional Wrestling. Please bare with me and give me a maximum of 3 minutes of your time. Two minutes worth of reading, which may be a stretch considering the literacy rate of the type of folk this blog blog is aimed at, and 1 more minute to let your blood boil to a respectable level. In addition, please shut down the meth lab while reading. And please no cutting at this time.

Professional wrestling. What is going on people? I happened to stumble upon a WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) commercial yesterday touting some kind of a Pay-Per-View match coming up this month. I can't remember the exact title, but it definitely had the words "extreme" and "hell" somewhere in the title. Essentially the commercial featured a nice chap who goes by the name of  "Triple H" standing in the middle of a smoke-filled room wearing some kind of leather gladiator outfit, shirtless and showing off his natural physique, violently spewing some sort of colored mist into the air and doing an inappropriate amount of flexing. He appeared really angry as well...perhaps a side effect of the protein shake. 

I just don't get it. Not only do I not understand what is so appealing about a bunch of sweaty, swelled-up ticks pretending to fight...kind of like the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets pretending to be in an army, more on that another time...but that people actually pay good money to watch it on Pay-Per-View. Am I missing something? Trust me, it's quite possible that I am. I'm not as in tune with things as I once was, and am still waiting for the 4th season of The Anna Nicole Show to come back, not sure what is taking so long. Negotiations, I presume. At any rate, I just don't get it. Are we getting more stupider? Was there something to Mike Judge's masterpiece "Idiocracy"? I'm not kidding. It is happening folks...look no further than this one word: WRESTLING. I have heard wresting referred to as the modern day opera. That statement is even more stupider than wrestling itself.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone. In other news, it's casserole season!

Choose to have a great day!!!! 


1 comment:

Robot Pirate Ninja said...

I'm pretty sure most watch it for the homo-erotic stimulus which is tempered nicely by the surgery-enhanced "ladies" of wrestling. I think for most fans it's nothing more that than live-action, violent, soap opera.

I like the writing style, keep it up.

You're officially getting blog rolled. Congrats. ;-)