Condi: Mr. President? Sir. Can you tell me where you put that box of Silver Stars? Sir?
W: (distracted) Huh? Hold on, hold on. Watch this.
He places an action figure on the train track and runs it over with the train.
W: Hell yea! See, that's what I'm takin' bout!
Condi: Very nice sir. Can you tell where they are? You have to hand them out tomorrow after your speech at the Boston College commencement.
W: Your mom goes to college!
Chaney: Good one.
Condi: Please, sir.
W: Condi. Oh Condi, Condi, Condi. Do you listen to Blondie? That'd be awesome, then I could say Condi loves Blondie! Hell yea! What was the question?
Condi: The Silver Stars sir.
W: Like throwing stars? Did you ever see American Ninja?
Condi: I'll find them myself.
W: Thadda Condi. (whsipers) this.
He motions over to Cheney, who is looking out the window at the snow and counting a wad of cash. W removes a pack of Black Cats from his fanny pack, lights them and throws them at Cheney.
Cheney jumps up.
W: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Look at you, you pussy!!!! Ahhhhh, that's aswesome! (his tone turns to a mocking voice) Oh.....did you have a heart attack? Poor little Dickey.
Cheney: That's pretty funny.
Cheney slams the Cognac.
Condi: Sir. (points to the phone) This red light has been blinking for 3 years. Your voice mailbox is full. Will you please check it?
W: What for?
Condi: Important're still the President, sir.
W: Not my problem.
Condi: Sir, if I may, you still have several items on your desk to be signed.
W: YO mama!
Cheney is now passed out. Barney is chewing on his shoe.
Condi: I think the people deserve better, sir.
W: Listen. You hear that????? Listen. You hear it? It is saying, 'that ain't my problem....ain't my problem no mo!'
Condi: Very well, sir.
W: You want to arm wrestle?
Condi: No sir. I need to go..
W: Very well. (slaps her on the ass) If anyone calls, I'm not here. Where is that Chinese finger cuff game?
Cheney: Lets go throw snowballs.
W: Grab the sled!
1 comment:
What about Gonzo and Rummy?
[nice work, 2 full lols]
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